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Alican Akbas

Alican Akbas

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+32 (0)3 771 46 07

Języki komunikacji: Turecki, Język angielski

From the heart of the sunny Turkish Riviera, I am a proud cat father with a background in Corporate Communications and Marketing.

In 2015, I obtained my bachelor's degree in Visual Communication Design. Following that, I had the chance to work with one-of-a-kind marketing teams to learn the ins and outs of marketing and communication. From 2018 until 2020, I worked as the Corporate Communications Responsible at International Antalya Airport. In 2020, unexpectedly, I found myself in Belgium. During my relocation process, I worked as a freelancer. Since 2023, I have been on a journey with Sentera. 

With Sentera, I have finally achieved one of my career goals, which is being able to work in a full-circle marketing and direct communication role with my target audience and help them as they need. I am thrilled to get in contact with you for further inquiries and to assist you on your journey with us. 

Dane firmy

Nazwa firmySentera Europa NV
Numer domu9
Kod pocztowy9140
Numer VATBE0462307146
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