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Alican Akbas

Alican Akbas

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+32 (0)3 771 46 07

Komunikační jazyky: Turečtina, Angličtina

From the heart of the sunny Turkish Riviera, I am a proud cat father with a background in Corporate Communications and Marketing.

In 2015, I obtained my bachelor's degree in Visual Communication Design. Following that, I had the chance to work with one-of-a-kind marketing teams to learn the ins and outs of marketing and communication. From 2018 until 2020, I worked as the Corporate Communications Responsible at International Antalya Airport. In 2020, unexpectedly, I found myself in Belgium. During my relocation process, I worked as a freelancer. Since 2023, I have been on a journey with Sentera. 

With Sentera, I have finally achieved one of my career goals, which is being able to work in a full-circle marketing and direct communication role with my target audience and help them as they need. I am thrilled to get in contact with you for further inquiries and to assist you on your journey with us. 

Údaje o společnosti

Název společnostiSentera Europa NV
Číslo domu9
Poštovní směrovací číslo9140
Vyhrazené e-mailové adresy

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