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Korneliya Ivanova Ivanova

Korneliya Ivanova Ivanova


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+359 32 601 843

Kommunikationsspråk: bulgariska, engelska

I finished my education in "Accounting and Control" in 2005 at the Academy of Economics "D.A. Cenov" town of Svishtov. Since then, I have successfully participated in the processing, development and optimization of the accounting processes in the company Sentera Thracia Ltd.

As an accountant, I perform functions related to the organization and control of financial and accounting activities. I am responsible for recording financial transactions, including income, expenses, assets and liabilities.

I prepare financial statements and reports. I contact banks, other financial and government institutions, as well as external auditors. In order to support the efficiency of financial operations, I directly contact the various departments in the company, such as sales, marketing and production.
My professional path over the years in the company has seen the implementation of new projects for the improvement, efficiency and stability of the company's financial activity.

If you have any questions , please contact me at the indicated e-mail address and phone number.


FöretagsnamnSentera Thracia Ltd.
GatuadressBash Para Str.
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