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Why is mechanical ventilation important in buildings?

Mechanical ventilation is essential in buildings for several reasons:
1. Air quality: Proper ventilation helps to maintain good indoor air quality by removing pollutants such as carbon dioxide, volatile organic compounds, and other contaminants that can accumulate in the air over time. These pollutants can cause health problems and discomfort for occupants, especially those with respiratory issues.
2. Comfort: Adequate ventilation helps to regulate temperature, humidity, and air movement, which can affect occupant comfort. Inadequate ventilation can lead to stuffy, stagnant air that can be uncomfortable and even hazardous in extreme cases.
3. Moisture control: Proper ventilation can help to control moisture levels in a building, which can prevent the growth of mold and mildew. These can cause health problems and structural damage if left unchecked.
4. Energy efficiency: Good ventilation can improve energy efficiency by reducing the need for air conditioning or heating, as well as by improving air circulation and reducing the load on HVAC systems.
Overall, ventilation is critical for ensuring the health, comfort, and safety of building occupants. It is important to design and maintain ventilation systems to ensure that they are effective and efficient.
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